Petrichor Gallery | 8 Nockolds Street Walpole Western Australia 6398
Amanda has been working with hot glass since completing her degree in 1983. Whilst her main focus is in decoration, Amanda continues to blow and form her own glass. She hires a hot glass studio for a few weeks a year, then spends the other months decorating the glass.
Forming her own glass allows her to make pieces to a preconceived colour and shape. Then the design is hand drawn and sandblasted onto the piece, often repeated several times to achieve depth and intricacy. Engraving is sometimes used to add detail. These procedures are very time consuming.
Her decoration encompasses many themes but is mainly botanically oriented with an emphasis on the Australian native flora. Designs are chosen to complement the shape of the plates, bowls, cylinders, vases and spheres.
Petrichor Gallery
hand blown and etched glass vase
12cm x 11.5cm x 11.5cm
Gum bowl
hand blown and etched glass vase
7.5cm x 14.5cm x 14.5cm
Amber Frog vase
hand blown and etched glass vase
16.5cm x 7.5cm x 7.5cm
Hibbertia sphere vase
hand blown and etched glass vase
12.5cm x 11cm x 11cm